A movement of prayer for Spiritual Awakening in a secular age
God comes where He is wanted.
Altars exists to call and equip God’s people to pray for spiritual awakening in our time.
There is a growing, tangible, hunger across the Western Church today to see God move among us like he has in redemptive history. In the midst of the decline of the church and increasing secularism and cynicism, people are hungry for more. We are not content to sit in despair in the rubble of deconstruction, but want to rebuild and renew the wonder and work of God in our day.
Our vision is to connect and equip those hungry for revival to contend for another great awakening in our time. If you sense a stirring in your heart that there has to be more and you are disillusioned with the spiritual status quo, we invite you to join us.
“For here we have no lasting city but we seek the city that is to come. Through him let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.”
Hebrews 13: 14-15
Who is ALTARS for?
ALTARS is designed to equip any Christian who hungers for revival in their heart, home, church, and community. We welcome individuals, families, community groups, and church leaders to use our resources and subscribe to our newsletter.
Is ALTARS part of a church?
ALTARS was born out of PRAY.NYC, a multi-church prayer ministry, and Church of the City New York. You can learn more about them at pray.nyc and church.nyc.